Things I would have done differently...

Clothing: The weather was always close to the average high rather than the other words...warmer than expected. I would have brought 1-2 more tanks/short sleeve shirts and a different pair of shorts. The pair I brought was very comfy and flowy, but I think my shirts would have looked better with a more fitted pair of shorts. Black was definitely a good choice though.
I would have brought less sweaters (or long sleeve shirts) and more undershirts that could be layered with a zip up hoodie or cardigan. A sweater would be perfect for just hanging out and not doing much, but I would get hot walking around all day and wouldn't have a way to shed to less clothing.

Underwear: I packed 4 and I think a total of 6 or 7 would have been much better, considering our laundry situation was much different than expected.

Scarves: I ended up bringing 2 regular scarves and 1 scarf that could also be used as a blanket. I didn't regret it since I used all 3, but it really wasn't necessary considering I bought 2 scarves while traveling.

Shoes: I would have packed a different color of TOMS. My light grey ones got so dirty and I ended up throwing them away near the end of the trip when I knew I wouldn't need them anymore. TOMS were the perfect shoe though! So comfortable and I would pack them again. The boots and flip flops were perfect too. I wore all my shoes many times.

Jackets: I packed 2 and would only pack 1 if I had a do-over. Instead of 2 coats I would have packed more tanks/short sleeve shirts with something to layer over top (zip up or cardigan).

Socks: I brought 3 pairs no show socks, 3 pairs wool socks , 1 pair compression stockings. I would NOT bring the compression stockings. They were uncomfortable and only used once (the plane ride to Europe). I'd rather just do leg exercises while in my seat and make sure to get up and move around. I would have brought 1 more pair of no show socks and 1 more pair of wool socks.

Jewelry: I would not have brought either necklace. It's not super comfortable to have a long necklace on all day (and it's kind of annoying). I just didn't need the Washington necklace although neither necklace took up any space since it was packed with my earings which I definitely used. I would have maybe packed some more earings to change up the look of my outfits. Or...just buy some there (which I did) :)

Toiletry Bag
nail polish remover
nail polish
moleskin - didn't use
bobby pins, hair clips
bandaids - would have brought less
q tips
glide body stick - didn't use super often
hair ties
blue container: washington necklace, locket, wedding ring, safety pins, silver circle earings, chevron earings, nose ring
eye brown pluckers
nail clippers - would only pack if going somewhere again for 4 weeks. any less time...not necessary.
red lip stick
lip gloss
powder makeup
brush for powder makeup and blush
bar soap (2) - really only needed 1
hair roller - didn't need
sink stopper
disposable razor
eyelash curler
extra contacts - brought too many extra pairs. would stick to 2 extra per eye.
locks and keys
blue headband - would bring another headband

Tom Bihn outside packing cube 1
peppermint oil - didn't need
thieves oil - should have used every night. would bring again.
hand sanitizer
travel shampoo
travel conditioner
toothpaste- only needed 1 small one
hair gel - brought the perfect container for it. would do again.
coconut oil

melatonin - not necessary
ultra strength antacid soft chews - bring WAY LESS
echinacea - should have taken every day. would pack again.
ibuprofen - bring WAY LESS
benadryl - not necessary
imodium - did not use
money belt - did not use
travel kleenex
Tom Bihn outside packing cube 2
tide pods detergent - only used a few. not necessary.
powder detergent - YES! so glad I brought this! useful for a washing machine and to hand wash clothes in the sink or tub.
black flip flops
clothesline - used twice?
4 plastic bags - change to 3
4 ziplocks - smart
2 travel cups - not necessary
travel papers (copies): travel guard, chase rewards flight info, passport, license, car insurance, health insurance, dental insurance, eye insurance, visa, mastercard (not pictured)

Travel Purse
wet wipes - not necessary
tide stick
mastercard wrapped in foil
tums - bring less
bottle opener - not necessary
contacts case
pill container
ear plugs - not necessary
sporks - not necessary
sarong/blanket - not essential but was kinda nice a few times!
outfit pictures - not necessary
word search - not necessary
travel journal
plane flip flops
eye mask
glasses + case
neck pillow - did not bring and did not regret it.
collapsible water bottle
travel kleenex
paper tickets: leaning tower of pisa, Neuschwanstein Castle, beer spa, prague to amsterdam boarding pass (2), sagrada familia (2), med list, paris to barcelona boarding pass (2)
Not Pictured
boarding pass
insurance cards
eurail pass
iphone + cord
trail mix
each day itinerary